
Once your Risk Management Programme is documented, it must be independently evaluated. Evaluation is also a requirement where a significant amendment is made to your Risk Management Programme.

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Kerry Wright is a recognised Risk Management Programme Evaluator, and can provide evaluation services.

Independence of the Evaluation is a critical part of this process, therefore if Kerry has been involved in the development of the Risk Management Programme you will need to seek the services of an alternate independent Evaluator. Southern Food Safety can direct you to an evaluator in your geographical area, or you can select from the MPI listing at the following website: http://www.foodsafety.govt.nz/registers-lists/evaluators-rmp/index.htm

© SFS Southern Food Safety Ltd
South island - Kerry Wright A. P.O. Box 79047 P. 027 472 5326 E. info@southernfoodsafety.co.nz