Risk Management Programmes

If you are a primary processor of animal products for human or animal consumption, then under the Animal Products Act you are likely to require a registered Risk Management Programme.

Your Risk Management Programme sets out how your business will identify and control, manage, eliminate or minimise food safety hazards and other risk factors in relation to your processing. It will ensure that your products are 'fit for intended purpose', safe to eat, and meet the appropriate New Zealand legislation.

Southern Food Safety can assist you to document, implement and maintain your Risk Management Programme.

They will also assist you through the registration process, and with the development and implementation of any additional export compliance systems that may be required for you to access your target export markets.

© SFS Southern Food Safety Ltd
South island - Kerry Wright A. P.O. Box 79047 P. 027 472 5326 E. info@southernfoodsafety.co.nz